How to manage your Instagram photo grid: some simple secrets

By October 16, 2021BLOG

From Instagram layout to Instagram grid

During our navigation on Instagram, it’s often possible to see some Instagram profiles so harmonious that they involve us emotionally and attract our attention.

These Instagram profiles with their harmonious photo grid try to communicate but above all to tell stories and emotions, to keep new users on their profile and engaged in their content.

In general, it’s true that content is the king but for Instagram is even truer.

So remember that your visual content on Instagram is what users see first and we all know how it’s important the first impression. In this context, each square, each photo plays an important role in your overall Instagram feed.

It takes just a few seconds for anyone to make a judgment about you and your brand.

When creating your first Instagram Layout, it’s good to think in terms of the last posts published so this makes your top 9 and most recent posts important for first impressions.

But what is an Instagram Layout?

An Instagram layout is a pattern of images, colors, and content that is visually appealing in an Instagram photo grid. With a different Instagram grid, you can tell a different story, so it becomes very important to plan the publication of each square.


Some Ideas to make an Instagram layout with different photo grid

1. Checkerboard

In the checkerboard Instagram grid, every alternate photo has a consistent background.

Most users alternate photos and quotes, a photo and a quote one after the other but many others use variations of colors to animate their feeds.

2. Horizontal Lines

The best and simple way to narrate a story in three consecutive posts, to motivate your users or to share your new blog post title.

This is one of the best Instagram Grid Layouts but you need to watch out that you don’t annoy your existing followers and to have a clear story in mind before you start slicing and dicing photos for Instagram.

3. Vertical Lines

This way to plan your feed is very pretty to look at but you need to have clear what you want to post.

To do that you need only to pick 3 styles of images and post them consecutively. Basically, the vertical line in the middle of your feed will guide your viewers as they scroll down your feed. In this manner your new visitors will continue on scrolling through your feed to enjoy about your creativity and your story.


Some examples of Instagram photo grid

1. Checkerboard

checkerboard photo grid instagram

2. Horizontal photo Grid

This solution works well for panorama and events photos.

Below you can see the result obtained and published for some panorama photos by @swipeablecarousel. You can also obtain this results using their app …  “you pick up a panorama and the app does the rest…”

swipablecarousel horizontal photo grid

6 or 3 photos on Instagram layout?

What we have seen represents a little group of ways to display pictures on Instagram, to communicate emotions and to engage with the users.

Nevertheless it’s clear that to manage an Instagram photo grid it needs time to make, to find or to compose pictures but also time to plan in the right way the publication on the feed.





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