Strategy, in spite of being a word favoured by the shiny suits of the world, really just means thinking about why you’re doing something before you do it. So starting with your digital marketing strategy is as simple as deciding what you want to do, how you’re going to do it, what you expect to happen, and when and how you’ll measure your success.
*Brand awareness: Do you want more people to know about your brand and get your products and services more widely known?
*Acquisition or lead generation: Do you want to reach people who’ve never bought from you before you bring them into your buyer’s journey?
*Growth from existing customers: Do you want people who’ve already bought from you before to buy more frequently or a different kind of product?
If possible, set a specific goal – one with metrics attached to it and a time limit. These might include:
- X Number of leads from a piece of downloaded content in 1 month
- % of old customers buying a secondary product within the year
- % Follower growth on social media within 2 weeks